30 dec. 2012

Gothtune mix- 6 (2012-12)

Gothtune mix-06 - 201212 by Gothtune on Mixcloud

01 - Gothtune Jingle
02 - Neuro Sentence - Anhedonia
03 - Delirium Nocturnus - Time
04 - Hearts Of Black Science - Metropolis
05 - Halo Violation - Bloody Kiss
06 - Mystigma - Vision Incoplete
07 - Mainpoint - Freedom
08 - NEuron - Gdy Się Zbudzę Ze Snu
09 - Madness of the Night - Jävla Zigenare
10 - Elegy of Madeline - Pater Nostre
11 - Passion Play - Sight For Sore Eyes
12 - Sleep Project JP - Coldsleep
13 - Mizantropia - I´m after you
14 - Madre Del Vizio - Reprise?

27 dec. 2012

Needle Fac†ory - Goetia

Needle Fac†ory is the electro-sadistic output of Freddy Morgendorffer (production and vocals),Johna Mannequin Curtis (Chaos noise and vocal).

Coming from a purely industrial/noise background Needle Fac†ory push the sonic envelope with contorted beats distorted hypnotic rhythms which drive and panel beat the concept of music into new disgraceful forms.

Needle Fac†ory takes inspiration from pioneering industrial bands, from Throbbing Gristle through Skinny Puppy via the distorted vocal driven chaos of Atari Teenage Riot and their Digital Hardcore legacy.

Since releasing the Jubiliee EP Needle Factory have been busy remixing artists such as Angelspit and Siva Six. They are currently remixing their own work with a unique style that loves the ears and loves the dance floors.


Madness of the Night - She is the Demon

The Official Video clip of the song She is the Demon by Madness of the Night. Directed and produced by Daniel Dante. In the story plays Blackwidow, Abir. And abuser husband Daniel. The story speaks about a destructive love relationship of two people. She loves him but is never happy with a man, he enjoys abusing her still loves her. And at night she transforms and when the sun rises, she frees herself. He is living inside a mirror.


24 dec. 2012

Angels of venice - A Chantar Mer

Neo- folk med kvalité.

Taget från deras hemsida:

Angels Of Venice was founded by harpist Carol Tatum in 1993 and consists of Carol Tatum (harp/bouzouki), Cathy Biagini (cello) and Christina Linhardt (vocals/soprano/flute).

The group's core sound is harp, cello, vocals, bouzouki and flute and combines Middle Eastern, medieval and neoclassical styles. As of 2011, their newest venture, "Musique Neo-Antique," combines ancient music with modern arrangements of songs from the 13th century to Renaissance, classical, traditional and hymns plus original compositions such as the Christian cross-over song "Surrender."

Harpist and bouzouki player Carol Tatum is an ASCAP member, producer and published songwriter and has released 6 CDs of original Angels Of Venice music with songs on over 20 compilation CDs for Windham Hill Records. She has also co-written with rock vocalist Lenny Wolf of the band Kingdom Come for his CDs "Hands Of Time" (Polygram), "Bad Image" (WEA International) and "Rendered Waters" (released April, 2011). Carol is currently collaborating with vocalist David Swan Montgomery from the tribute band Led Zepagain for a 2011 release of original acoustic music in a style reminiscent of Led Zeppelin III.

Soprano Christina Linhardt sings in archaic French, Galaceo-Portuguese, Latin and Swiss and is most known for her "Classics to Cabaret" musical act which she performed as the headliner for the opening of the Grand Concert Hall Parksalle in Saxony, Germany, as well as the re-opening of the Palace Ligner, Dresden.

Cellist Cathy Biagini is first-chair cellist with Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra, Santa Barbara Symphony and the Redlands Symphony. Before coming to the Los Angeles area, she was principal cellist for Savannah Symphony for six seasons.

Angels of Venice


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ODOKURO by Aurelio Voltaire ( Full Movie -OFFICIAL )

Läcker animation, värd att se.

The skeleton of a rat-monkey comes to life in a room full of cursed objects in this Gothic tale with a sci-fi twist. This is the 5th film in the award winning 'Chimerascope' series by MTV and SY FY channel station ID veteran, Aurelio Voltaire. Narrated by electro-Goth, New Wave icon, Gary Numan.


18 dec. 2012

10000 sidvisningar

Idag passerade gothtune- bloggen 10000 sidvisningar, jag har för mig att detta var lite av ett första mål för år 1. Det har inte gått ett år ännu.

Jag tror att blogg- trafiken kommer att öka framöver. Nu i starten har jag inte skrivit så mycket, blogg med endast musik ger inte så mycke i sökmotorerna. Har publicerat den första intervjun med Katabazija från Serbien. Fler intervjuer är på gång.

Har även satt ihop olika mixar av musik på mixcloud. Framöver kommer de även att sändas via en radio-station, tvingades snacka lite på svengelska mellan låtarna. Det är väl strax premiär, återkommer så fort jag vet mer.

Avslutar detta inlägg med att posta en intervju med Justin Sullivan, New Model Army. Ganska kul, i intervjun beskriver han Sverige som en stat med mycke kontroll.

13 dec. 2012

Mizantropia - За тобой (I'm after you)

Brukar inte lyssna så mycket på gothic metal ala Nightwish, men nu dök det upp ett band från Ukraina som faktist låter ganska intressant.

9 dec. 2012

Gothtune på Onairtunes.com

Gothtune har inlett ett samarbete med Onairtunes.com och kommer att posta vissa artiklar, intervjuer ect på deras hemsida. Först ut är Katabazija, från Serbien.

8 dec. 2012

Intervju med Katabazija

När jag hörde Katabazija låt Maldororovo Pevanje första gången så fastnade den i min trumhinna. De sjunger på sitt eget språk vilket är serbiska. För mig gör det inte så mycket då jag accepterar sången som ett verktyg, eller instrument tillsammans med de övriga musiken. Detta är den första intervju´n jag gör för Gothtune- bloggen och jag kommer att behålla den på engelska.

Tell us Katabazija background, the band started 2011?

 Actually, band started few months ago, but, the idea started long,
 long time ago by Ljubisha (lyrics writer and singer) and Dushan (guitars).
 Ljubisha's old friend Fat Zed (Zaa) managed to gather the crew in June this year
 and in bend there's also Sasha (the Scarps) and Dun Gun (Zaa)

What are your backgrounds, members ect, any other bands / projects?
Already answered that, but it's  good to mention other bands that Katabazija members
 are involved in.
 Fat Zed is drummer of ska punk band ZAA. Dub Gun on keyborads is also Zaa member
 and he is a producer of both bands. For ljubisha and Dushan this is first project of this kind.
 Ljubisha is also a published poet and has two books published to present and 
 Dushan is a doctor of physical chemistry.

What was the idea to start Katabazija?
I read that Ljubisa Jovanovic (vocalist) is a poet,
have publiced books. Is music a new way to bring out this poetry for you?

  Ljubisha tried this before many times, as a published writer he felt urge to do something
 more with his poetry, and what is better way to do so than music.
 He actually told me that he thinks that his words got real meaning when he sings.

The songs I heard got lyrics in serbian languge, have you or do you
think of to write something in english?

 Maybe in the future, those are songs writen long time ago, and the meaning is not in words,
 but in a way of a music phrase, so we noticed that people who not speaks our language
 have no problem to understand the mood, and that's the only thing that matters.

It says you play Darkwave on your biography, I felt some of your works
sounds very much traditional gothic rock. Where do you find your inspiration from?

 In a dark side of human being as many artist around the world.
 Also there's a inner questioning of number of subjects as religion, fate, love, life...

How is the scen of dark alternative rock in Serbia?

 Not quite good, as everything else in our country, and official Europe still got prejudice 
 about people from here, so it's almost impossible to travel and organize gigs in europe as well.

Have you played live with Katabazija, do you have anything special on stage when you play live?

 Katabazija never played live. The plan is not to play live till we manage to organize a big concert
 in full production of sound, light, and other stage efects. We started on a healthy foot so 
 we want to do everything in that manner. It will cost us some money,
 but we also planing to record first gig live with minimum 3  cameras in system and good quality sound.
 You'll get it for free as soon we done it.

You released two singles? Are you working on a full cd? When will it be done?

  Whole material for full CD is recorded, now it's in process  of mixing and it almost done.
 We'll inform You by the means of internet so don't be lazy and visit our 
 facebook page from time to time. 

Anything you want to tell the readers I have forgot?

 Big cheers from Serbia to all Your readers and keep fighting for good taste and honest life... 



7 dec. 2012

DoppelgängeR - Movie About Homeless Spies

Ryska DoppelgängeR har laddat upp en ny video, Movie About Homless Spies, tagen från deras album Voyage Of The Homeless Spies (2010).