30 dec. 2012

Gothtune mix- 6 (2012-12)

Gothtune mix-06 - 201212 by Gothtune on Mixcloud

01 - Gothtune Jingle
02 - Neuro Sentence - Anhedonia
03 - Delirium Nocturnus - Time
04 - Hearts Of Black Science - Metropolis
05 - Halo Violation - Bloody Kiss
06 - Mystigma - Vision Incoplete
07 - Mainpoint - Freedom
08 - NEuron - Gdy Się Zbudzę Ze Snu
09 - Madness of the Night - Jävla Zigenare
10 - Elegy of Madeline - Pater Nostre
11 - Passion Play - Sight For Sore Eyes
12 - Sleep Project JP - Coldsleep
13 - Mizantropia - I´m after you
14 - Madre Del Vizio - Reprise?

27 dec. 2012

Needle Fac†ory - Goetia

Needle Fac†ory is the electro-sadistic output of Freddy Morgendorffer (production and vocals),Johna Mannequin Curtis (Chaos noise and vocal).

Coming from a purely industrial/noise background Needle Fac†ory push the sonic envelope with contorted beats distorted hypnotic rhythms which drive and panel beat the concept of music into new disgraceful forms.

Needle Fac†ory takes inspiration from pioneering industrial bands, from Throbbing Gristle through Skinny Puppy via the distorted vocal driven chaos of Atari Teenage Riot and their Digital Hardcore legacy.

Since releasing the Jubiliee EP Needle Factory have been busy remixing artists such as Angelspit and Siva Six. They are currently remixing their own work with a unique style that loves the ears and loves the dance floors.


Madness of the Night - She is the Demon

The Official Video clip of the song She is the Demon by Madness of the Night. Directed and produced by Daniel Dante. In the story plays Blackwidow, Abir. And abuser husband Daniel. The story speaks about a destructive love relationship of two people. She loves him but is never happy with a man, he enjoys abusing her still loves her. And at night she transforms and when the sun rises, she frees herself. He is living inside a mirror.


24 dec. 2012

Angels of venice - A Chantar Mer

Neo- folk med kvalité.

Taget från deras hemsida:

Angels Of Venice was founded by harpist Carol Tatum in 1993 and consists of Carol Tatum (harp/bouzouki), Cathy Biagini (cello) and Christina Linhardt (vocals/soprano/flute).

The group's core sound is harp, cello, vocals, bouzouki and flute and combines Middle Eastern, medieval and neoclassical styles. As of 2011, their newest venture, "Musique Neo-Antique," combines ancient music with modern arrangements of songs from the 13th century to Renaissance, classical, traditional and hymns plus original compositions such as the Christian cross-over song "Surrender."

Harpist and bouzouki player Carol Tatum is an ASCAP member, producer and published songwriter and has released 6 CDs of original Angels Of Venice music with songs on over 20 compilation CDs for Windham Hill Records. She has also co-written with rock vocalist Lenny Wolf of the band Kingdom Come for his CDs "Hands Of Time" (Polygram), "Bad Image" (WEA International) and "Rendered Waters" (released April, 2011). Carol is currently collaborating with vocalist David Swan Montgomery from the tribute band Led Zepagain for a 2011 release of original acoustic music in a style reminiscent of Led Zeppelin III.

Soprano Christina Linhardt sings in archaic French, Galaceo-Portuguese, Latin and Swiss and is most known for her "Classics to Cabaret" musical act which she performed as the headliner for the opening of the Grand Concert Hall Parksalle in Saxony, Germany, as well as the re-opening of the Palace Ligner, Dresden.

Cellist Cathy Biagini is first-chair cellist with Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra, Santa Barbara Symphony and the Redlands Symphony. Before coming to the Los Angeles area, she was principal cellist for Savannah Symphony for six seasons.

Angels of Venice


Precis, nu finns Gothtune på:

Det är nytt och ännu inte speciellt inarbetat, men tryck en "like" så blir ni uppdaterade.

ODOKURO by Aurelio Voltaire ( Full Movie -OFFICIAL )

Läcker animation, värd att se.

The skeleton of a rat-monkey comes to life in a room full of cursed objects in this Gothic tale with a sci-fi twist. This is the 5th film in the award winning 'Chimerascope' series by MTV and SY FY channel station ID veteran, Aurelio Voltaire. Narrated by electro-Goth, New Wave icon, Gary Numan.


18 dec. 2012

10000 sidvisningar

Idag passerade gothtune- bloggen 10000 sidvisningar, jag har för mig att detta var lite av ett första mål för år 1. Det har inte gått ett år ännu.

Jag tror att blogg- trafiken kommer att öka framöver. Nu i starten har jag inte skrivit så mycket, blogg med endast musik ger inte så mycke i sökmotorerna. Har publicerat den första intervjun med Katabazija från Serbien. Fler intervjuer är på gång.

Har även satt ihop olika mixar av musik på mixcloud. Framöver kommer de även att sändas via en radio-station, tvingades snacka lite på svengelska mellan låtarna. Det är väl strax premiär, återkommer så fort jag vet mer.

Avslutar detta inlägg med att posta en intervju med Justin Sullivan, New Model Army. Ganska kul, i intervjun beskriver han Sverige som en stat med mycke kontroll.

13 dec. 2012

Mizantropia - За тобой (I'm after you)

Brukar inte lyssna så mycket på gothic metal ala Nightwish, men nu dök det upp ett band från Ukraina som faktist låter ganska intressant.

9 dec. 2012

Gothtune på Onairtunes.com

Gothtune har inlett ett samarbete med Onairtunes.com och kommer att posta vissa artiklar, intervjuer ect på deras hemsida. Först ut är Katabazija, från Serbien.

8 dec. 2012

Intervju med Katabazija

När jag hörde Katabazija låt Maldororovo Pevanje första gången så fastnade den i min trumhinna. De sjunger på sitt eget språk vilket är serbiska. För mig gör det inte så mycket då jag accepterar sången som ett verktyg, eller instrument tillsammans med de övriga musiken. Detta är den första intervju´n jag gör för Gothtune- bloggen och jag kommer att behålla den på engelska.

Tell us Katabazija background, the band started 2011?

 Actually, band started few months ago, but, the idea started long,
 long time ago by Ljubisha (lyrics writer and singer) and Dushan (guitars).
 Ljubisha's old friend Fat Zed (Zaa) managed to gather the crew in June this year
 and in bend there's also Sasha (the Scarps) and Dun Gun (Zaa)

What are your backgrounds, members ect, any other bands / projects?
Already answered that, but it's  good to mention other bands that Katabazija members
 are involved in.
 Fat Zed is drummer of ska punk band ZAA. Dub Gun on keyborads is also Zaa member
 and he is a producer of both bands. For ljubisha and Dushan this is first project of this kind.
 Ljubisha is also a published poet and has two books published to present and 
 Dushan is a doctor of physical chemistry.

What was the idea to start Katabazija?
I read that Ljubisa Jovanovic (vocalist) is a poet,
have publiced books. Is music a new way to bring out this poetry for you?

  Ljubisha tried this before many times, as a published writer he felt urge to do something
 more with his poetry, and what is better way to do so than music.
 He actually told me that he thinks that his words got real meaning when he sings.

The songs I heard got lyrics in serbian languge, have you or do you
think of to write something in english?

 Maybe in the future, those are songs writen long time ago, and the meaning is not in words,
 but in a way of a music phrase, so we noticed that people who not speaks our language
 have no problem to understand the mood, and that's the only thing that matters.

It says you play Darkwave on your biography, I felt some of your works
sounds very much traditional gothic rock. Where do you find your inspiration from?

 In a dark side of human being as many artist around the world.
 Also there's a inner questioning of number of subjects as religion, fate, love, life...

How is the scen of dark alternative rock in Serbia?

 Not quite good, as everything else in our country, and official Europe still got prejudice 
 about people from here, so it's almost impossible to travel and organize gigs in europe as well.

Have you played live with Katabazija, do you have anything special on stage when you play live?

 Katabazija never played live. The plan is not to play live till we manage to organize a big concert
 in full production of sound, light, and other stage efects. We started on a healthy foot so 
 we want to do everything in that manner. It will cost us some money,
 but we also planing to record first gig live with minimum 3  cameras in system and good quality sound.
 You'll get it for free as soon we done it.

You released two singles? Are you working on a full cd? When will it be done?

  Whole material for full CD is recorded, now it's in process  of mixing and it almost done.
 We'll inform You by the means of internet so don't be lazy and visit our 
 facebook page from time to time. 

Anything you want to tell the readers I have forgot?

 Big cheers from Serbia to all Your readers and keep fighting for good taste and honest life... 



7 dec. 2012

DoppelgängeR - Movie About Homeless Spies

Ryska DoppelgängeR har laddat upp en ny video, Movie About Homless Spies, tagen från deras album Voyage Of The Homeless Spies (2010).

30 nov. 2012

Uni Form - Still Alive

Uni Form startade 2006 i Lisbon av David Francisco och hans bror Nuno. Senare träffade de även Billy som blev deras gitarrist och sångare.

De spelar indie/post-punk/post-rock och verkar ta inspiration från band som The Cure, Bauhause, Joy Division, Depeche Mode m.f..

Här är låten Still Alive, först en remixad variant...

Uni Form - Still Alive (Papercutz mix)

Uni Form - Still Alive

Production by Moopie

Directed by David Francisco

Actor´s : Filipe | Miguel Francisco


27 nov. 2012

Gothtune mix #5

En ny mix från Gothtune, nummer 5 i ordning. Än en gång så är låtvalet nytt, signerade så som osignerade band.

1 Uni Form - Still Alive (Papercutzmix)
2 The Breath of Life - The Dark Side
3 New Zero Gods - Widow´s Walk
4 The Rope - Water To Wine
5 Madness of the Night - Stand Up
6 The Stompcrash - Circles of Mud
7 ASP - In Sack und Asche
8 Partly Faithful - Partly Faithful
9 Katabazija - Maldororovo Pevenje
10 Nautilus2 - Jack in the Box
11 Salvation AMP - Prince of Silence (demo)

26 nov. 2012

Startade en blogglista

Startade en blogglista, längre ner i höger spalt. Kommer väl att fylla på eftersom.

Första länken blev till Den Rockande Kocken, han kombinerar mat och musik. Han har uppmärksammat Madness of the Night, ett band som Gothtune promotar.

Andra bloggen blev Let It Bleed som genom Gothtune hittade Terminal Gods och knappat ihop en possitiv recension.

15 nov. 2012


VANITY is an Italian based band including members from Switzerland, Palestine and Italy. Their first full lenght OCCULT YOU is an album inspired by European culture and a challenging combination of Doom, Black Metal, Indie, New Wave and Gothic with fascinating vocals and shades of electronic. Facebook

12 nov. 2012

Dead Air Radio

Vill ni ha lite bakgrundsmusik när ni är ute och surfar så rekomenderar jag Dead Air - Radio. Snygg hemsida, klart och tydligt där man kan se vad som spelas och tidigare låtar.

11 nov. 2012

9 nov. 2012

Gothtune mix-04 (Fresh and tasty) 201211

En ny Gothtune mix med låtar som har kommit ut i år, 2012.

1 - Contorsione - Ancora Qui
2 - Terminal Gods - Lessons In Fire
3 - Rose Rovine e Amanti - Versi Scritti Sul Golfo Di Lerici
4 - Vanity - Under Black Ice
5 - Angels of Liberty - Talk About Nothing
6 - Chronth-D - ????
7 - Madness of the Night - Terrorroom
8 - Dead When I Found Her - Mirrors
9 - Then Comes Silence - To The Bone
10 - Bitter Grace - If the Sea Where To Sway
11 - The Shyness Of Strangers - Hot Bodies
12 - Opus Doria - The Cry of the Knight

1 nov. 2012


Contorsione från Italien, taget från myspace:

CONTORSIONE is a project born in 2010. Contorsione is my band, is myself. Contorsione is what is not linear or flat, in the sounds, in the idea, in the genres, in the styles, in the life, in every time in every space, in the mind and in the way to be. In february 2012 we released our first cd, titled "Contorsione" and edited by Zimbalam, with 14 original songs in a mix between rock and dark electronic sounds.


Mandragora Scream - Haunted Heart


27 okt. 2012

Gothtune på Facebook

Nu kan ni följa Gothtune även på Facebook. Där kommer vi att posta framförallt mixarna vi sammanställer och vissa nyheter på engelska.

20 okt. 2012

Gothtune #3 mixcloud

En ny mix av bra låtar som har släppts i år.

01 - The Violet Tribe - A Curio Found Six Feet Deep
02 - Tiamat - The Scarred People
03 - Grooving in Green - Stranglehold
04 - She Past Away - Rituel
05 - Madness of the Night - Theatre of Life
06 - The Great Sleep - The Last Funeral
07 - ASP - Eisige Wiriklichkiet
08 - Lachaise - Whispering Voice
09 - Rome - The Beast Pain


19 okt. 2012

She Past Away

She Past Away´s ny skiva, Belirdi Gece blev en överraskning. Bandet är från Turkiet och de sjunger på turkiska. Musikaliskt, klart välskrivna låtar. Lite syntigare trummor med en känsla av EBM ryttmer. Mörk statisk röst med mycke eko. Jag tycker She Past Away har funnit sin stil som sticker ut en aning, vilket gör dem inte till någon kopia, även då avslutningsriffet till låten Rituel känns något taget. Kanske medvetet? Jäkligt skönt i allafall och jag hoppas få höra mer från detta band i framtiden.

Kasvetli Kutlama:


Skivbolagets hemsida

Rome - Fester

Rome är ett neofolk/material- band från Luxenburg, som grundades 2005. De har i år släppt ett nytt albumet, Fester med fyra låtar. Deras musik är ganska minimalistisk och mycket akustiskt, oftast gitarr.
Skivan, eller ep´n är helt ok, låten The Beast Pain påminner väldigt mycket om Nick Cave.

1 Fester
2 Silverstream
3 The Beast Pain
4 Le Vertige Du Vide

Det går att provlyssna hos Last.fm

18 okt. 2012

Graveyard Train

Graveyard Train är väl kanske inte något goth- band direkt, men bra är de. Kommer från Australien och visst, jag är lite svag för australiensk rock, typ Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds eller varför inte Walkabouts.
Graveyard Train släppte sitt nya album Hollow, mitten av maj i år. Här är några smakprov:

Graveyard Train - Life Is Elsewhere:

Graveyard Train - Get The Gold:


17 okt. 2012

My Dying Bride - Intervju om ny skiva

My Dying Bride har släppt en ny skiva, "A Map of All Our Failures". De tillhör en av de grupperna jag själv tycker representerar gothic metal. Deras skiva "The Angel and the Dark River" från 1995 anser jag vara ett mästerverk.

Aaron and Lena answer questions at Peaceville:


16 okt. 2012


Lachaise är ett goth- band från Italien. De startade 2008 och har redan fått chansen att öppna upp som förband till ex Christian Death. [1] Man har precis släppt sitt andra album, "In a State of Oblivion".

Lachaise - Whispering Voice:


15 okt. 2012

The Great Sleep

The Great Sleep från Sverige är ett sido projekt av Sean Van Dominic (Warthane) och Heike Langhans (Draconian). Normalt spelar de Black / Doom Metal, men The Great Sleep är ett steg ifrån det tyngre, de vill köra något lite mer åt gothic rock hållet. Låten The Last Funeral är ett gott försök, får mig att komma ihåg storhetstiden hos Theatre of Tragedy.


14 okt. 2012

Grooving in Green

Grooving in Green har precis släppt sitt andra album (5 oktober 2012), Stranglehold. [1] Det verkar som att ena delen av Grooving in Green lämnar bandet, troligen temporärt då han ska flytta till Sverige.

Grooving in Green - Stranglehold:

Grooving in Green - More News On Nothing:

Läs mer om bandet på deras hemsida. [2]


13 okt. 2012

TIAMAT - The Scarred People

I slutet av oktober släpper Tiamat en ny skiva med namnet The Scarred People. Idag släpptes videon med samma namn.

The Scarred People låtordning:

'The Scarred People'
'Winter Dawn'
'384 - Kteis'
'Radiant Star'
'The Sun Also Rises'
'Before Another Wilbury Dies'
'Love Terrorists'
'Messinian Letter'
'Thunder & Lightning'
'Born To Die' (Bonus Track)
'The Red Of The Morning Sun'
'Paradise' (Bonus track)
'Divided' (Live) (Bonus Track)
'Cain' (Live) (Bonus Track)


Vernian Process

Lite mer steampunk, med bandet Vernian Process. Deras senaste singel "Something Wicked", från 2011 får mig att påminnas om Mr Doctor i det legendariska bandet Devil Doll.


11 okt. 2012


DI Auger består av Chris Lefort från Toronto i Kanada som spelar någon form av gothic industriell rock.
Grunden till DI Auger lades tidigt 90-tal och nu är man redo att släppa en egen skiva.

DI AUGER - The Fallen :


6 okt. 2012


Ny musikvideo av det finska goth-bandet The 69 Eyes. Videon presenteras av skräck- ikonen Elvira.

The 69 Eyes släppte i dagarna sitt tionde album med namnet "X" under skivbolagen Nuclear Blast.

4 okt. 2012

Bauhaus Gotham 1999 consert

Bauhaus var en brittisk musikgrupp bildad 1978 i Northampton, England. De hette från början Bauhaus 1919 för att anspela på den tyska konströrelsen. Bandet spelade en sorts mörk postpunk, och anses vara det första riktiga goth-bandet. Deras debutsingel "Bela Lugosi's Dead" (1979) blev förebilden för hur goth skulle låta. Bandet blev riktigt stora med sitt debutalbum In The Flat Field som också tog sig till nr 1 på independent- och nr 72 på pop-listorna.

Bauhaus splittrades 1983. 1998 gjorde de en kort återförening för att spela några konserter i Los Angeles och sedan åka på en liten turné. Dubbel-live-CD:n Gotham samt en live-DVD spelades in för att dokumentera återföreningen.

2005 återförenades bandet igen. 30 april 2005 gjorde bandet en konsert under Coachellafestivalen i USA för att sedan åka ut på en riktig turné. 2008 gav bandet gav ut sin sista skiva Go Away White och splittrades därefter.

Källa: Wikipedia

22 sep. 2012

Angels of Liberty - Murder of Reality

Angels of Liberty kommer att släppa sin debutskiva, "Murder of Reality" i slutet av september. Voe Saint-Clare postade hur albumets framsida ser ut.

Angels of Liberty:

Arcane Winter - Cold Europe

Arcane Winter släpper sitt första album nu på måndag, den går att ladda hem från Amazone. [1]

Trevor Bamford, gitarist i Arcane Winter hade en radio-show i fredags som även finns tillgänglig på Soundcloud.com. Han spelade de flesta av Arcane Winter´s låtar och ett annat band, Death Party UK.

Arcane Winter:

18 sep. 2012

Joy Division The Documentary

Joy Division is a 2007 British documentary film on the British post-punk band Joy Division, directed by Grant Gee. [Wikipedia]


16 sep. 2012

The Mission UK - Lighting the Candles

1. Crystal Ocean
2. Evangeline
3. Hymn (For America)
4. (Slave To) Lust
5. Garden Of Delight
6. Severina
7. Breathe Me In
8. Butterfly On A Wheel
9. Belief
10. Sacrilege
11. Wasteland
12. Daddy's Going To Heaven Now
13. Like A Child Again
14. Beyond The Pale
15. Serpent's Kiss
16. Deliverance
17. Tower Of Strength

Fields of the Nephilim - Ceromonies [Full DVD]

Elegy of Madeline - Obsidian Glass

New video by Elegy of Madeline:

An interview with Elegy of Madeline by Abir Blackshadows for Alternativmedia.net:

13 sep. 2012

AlternativMedia PerfectRoses Interview

AlternativMedia.net Interview with AbirBlackshadow. Perfect Roses is Mexcian Symphonic Opera Gothic Music. They consist of 27 members the youngest is 14. I had the pleasure of interviewing Enrique Dunn the member and composer of Perfect Roses.

The interview also contains a video Ghost by Perfect Roses Live.


4 sep. 2012

GHOSTFIRE - The Last Steampunk Waltz

Ghostfire - The Last Steampunk Waltz
from the single 'The Last Steampunk Waltz'
Released April 24th, 2010 (UK)

Directed and Edited by: Radoslaw Sienski

For all the latest news on Ghostfire, visit http://www.ghostfiremusic.com/

The Violet Tribe

Music & words by Miss Cinnamon Star (Bianca Stücker) for The Violet Tribe.
Filmed by Mister Max Eicmann and Mister Jacek Kubaczynski.

Starring: Miss Lily Qamar and Miss Henneth Annun as the animated dolls.
Miss Mariam Ala-Rashi and Miss Arzo Renz as the solo dancers.
Miss Cinnamon Star as the narrator.
Miss Svahara Aicanar as the doctor.
Mister Rainer J. as the doctor's mechanical groom.
Dr. P and Mister Lars K. as themselves.


29 aug. 2012

Alternativmedia.net Rae Gee Interview

Alternativmedia.net Rae Gee Interview : Mars on the Rise.

A storyteller steps off a pier and into a world of steampunk oddities, fearsome weapons, and a dangerous man. Promised fame and fortune by the country's largest weapons manufacturer, Cedo gratefully falls into the arms of Erus Veetu. Dark, dangerous and with nothing to lose, Erus shows him that Svenfur isn't all Cedo thought it was. For beneath the streets is a dark, gas lit world of slavery, human sacrifice, and deadly machines. With the machines waging war in the East, can Cedo stop the country's deadliest man from bringing it to the shores of England? Or is he too late to penetrate the cold exterior of his Master and halt the cogs and gears of progress?

Set in a Victorian world of sex, drugs and steampower, Mars on the Rise tells a dark, gritty story of what happens when our dreams come true. Whether we want them to or not.

17 aug. 2012

Gothtune Elegy of Madeline Interview

Gothtune Elegy of Madeline Interview

Elegy Of Madeline is an occult deathrock entity created under the influence of absinthe, morbid poetry, Weimar Berlin culture, the Pre-Raphaelites, True Gothick emotion, morbid sensibilities, the iconic Vampyr of the mediaeval times, poetry, death.

Elegy of Madeline is from the United States. To date, there are two releases, The self-titled debut demo "Madeline" and the upcoming second demo "Face of Melancholy". For fans of Christian Death, Sisters of Mercy and other true deathrock bands
Translation about Elegy of Madeline in Swedish and Arabic below: 

Elegy of Madeline är ett Gothrock band från USA. De har släppt två album till nu. "Madeline" och "Face of Melancholy". Svart poesi och musik om okult och dödlighet.

 الدجي اوف مادلين فرقة غوث روك امريكية الموسيقى نابعة من شعر عميق وكلمات جريئة ٠ سواد الليل ولحظات عن الموت والحياة وجنون البشر٠

Gothtune AlternativMedia

Gothtune AlternativMedia

14 aug. 2012

11 aug. 2012

Dance (gothic mix)

An old song by the members of Madness of the Night, Dance gothic mix:

8 aug. 2012

Fields Of The Nephilim - Revelations

Vilken skatt jag fann över youtube...

Fields Of The Nephilim
1. Preacher Man (1987)
2. Blue Water (1987)
3. Moonchild (1988)
4. Psychonaut (1989)
5. For Her Light (1990)
6. Sumerland (1990)
7. Electronic Press Kit (1990)
VHS title: Revelations
Gothic Rock
Release date:
Carl McCoy - vocals
Tony Pettit - bass
Paul Wright - guitar
Peter Yates - guitar
Nod Wright - drums

Umbra et Imago - Davon Geth die Welt Nicht Unter

Interpretation of Zarah Leander's famous song, rewritten by Umbra et Imago, feat. Lex of Megaherz. This interpretation is against war and nazism.
Bruno Balz, the writer of the lyrics was arrested, tortured and almost killed by the Nazi Gestapo because of his homosexuallty. He wrote this words few hours after getting free.

5 aug. 2012

Angels Of Liberty - The Girl Under The Water

Angels Of Liberty

The band spent years on painstaking research. The task was undertaken by getting monstrously drunk out on the UK scene following some of the best Goth Rock bands during the nineties. After years of snakebite fuelled antics, worn out winklepickers and work as a glorified skivvy in recording studios we set about the task of creating something our selves. So more than a little fashionably late, showing signs erotic crystallization inertia and with moth eaten frock coats, here we are!

The Angels of Liberty are;

Voe Saint-Clare on Vocals & Synths

Scarlet Powers on Vocals & Synths

Echo Von Hammer on Machine Drums

Angels of Liberty are a NEW Old Skool Goth Band and proud to be Goths.


Voyvoda - Изток (iztok)

Darkwave från balkan:


Deathcamp Project - Too Late

Country: Poland
Artist: Deathcamp Project
Song: Too Late
Album: Painthings
Track: 2
Year: 2011
Genre: Gothic Rock/Metal

21 juli 2012

Elegy of Madeline - Darkened Mirror of the Sorrowful

Unreleased hymn that is played often during the introduction for Elegy of Madeline concerts live.


i have reigned with my spirit
the crown has become one with mine
the goddess and god

I raise my spirit towards the basilisk
where she resides..i've seen her eyes.

The altar of darkness has reached
forward into my eyes
Her Sanctuary....

Always moving and transmuting.
Gazing into the abyss
of nothingness.

I am god ! and I shall reign
towards the absolute as
We meld into the Psyche

Death shall not bar entry
into the glory that is eternity

Her eternal eyes
Her eternal truth
Man and Woman absolute.

Big Electric Cat - Paris Skyes

Album: Dreams Of A Mad King
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, New Wave, Goth Rock, Darkwave
Year: 1994

Das Projekt Der Krummen Mauern - RELIGION OR ILLUSION

Album: Romantic And Metaphisic
Country: Brazil
Released: 2003
Genre: Rock
Style: Goth Rock

19 juli 2012

The RaZor Skyline - Vittoria

From the RaZor Skyline's 4th full length album "Dark Water Oasis"


The Black Belles - The Tease

Artist: The Black Belles
Song Title: The Tease
Album: The Black Belles
Producer: Jack White
Label: Third Man Records
Year: 2011
Country: USA

Shelby Lynne - Drums
Ruby Rogers - Bass
Olivia Jean - Vocals, Organ, Guitar
Christina (Tina NoGood) Norwood - Synthesizer

The Black Belles is an all-girl "garage goth" rock band discovered by Jack White and signed to his label Third Man Records. They appeared with Stephen Colbert on the June 23, 2011 episode of The Colbert Report performing as backup for a song he created. Tunes by the band are also heard on the Elvira show.


ASP - Rain (cover)

En cover på The Cult´s - Rain av det tyska bandet ASP

ASP - Rain
Album: Wer Sonst?
Genero / Genre: Darkwave, gothic
Año / Year: 2009
Miembros / Members: Asp, Matze, Tossi, Himmi

17 juli 2012

Madness of the Night - She is the Demon

The Official Video clip of the song She is the Demon by Madness of the Night. Directed and produced by Daniel Lillman. In the story plays Blackwidow, Abir. And abuser husband Daniel. The story speaks about a destructive love relationship of two people. She loves him but is never happy with a man, he enjoys abusing her still loves her. And at night she transforms and when the sun rises, she frees herself. He is living inside a mirror.

Madness of the Night is an International Gothrock band

14 juli 2012

Gothtune #3 - Interview with Liz Tapia

Liz Tapia on Soundcloud


The March Violets - Dandelion King

The March Violets release a 5-track EP this June called 'Love Will Kill You' followed by an album release later in 2011.

Right now is the Dandelion King, a brand new track and video from England's original pioneers of drum-machine driven gothic rock.

Please take a look at www.marchviolets.co.uk for more information about their activities.

Video Dir. Ash Pears & Richy Lloyd
Prod. AshTV Productions
Independent Music Video Directors
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/pages/AshTV-Music-Video/139621582766617

Double Eyelid - Dead is Better

Directed by Steven Cerritos, Director of Photography Michael Masuda
Band makeup by Jaclynn Randall, Rigging and Additional Makeup by Tegan Ridge
Paper doll by Jennifer Linton

Music and lyrics by Ian Revell

Produced by Ian Revell and Karl Mohr, Engineered by Karl Mohr

Double Eyelid are Ian Revell, Karl Mohr, Benjamin Mueller-Heaslip, and Amanda Penner.


24 juni 2012

Madness of the Night - Jävla Zigenare

Madness of the Night is a swedish gothband.

This is a song against racism of Finnish Gypsies in Sweden.


Hello Sir i did not put the chicken under my skirt
Not your bloody damn mouth of shit and dirt
Chicken under the skirt
Arent we the outsiders
You say our culture of theives
Our criminal achieve
You call us
Jävla Zigenare
Jävla Zigenare

We enter malls
Jävla Zigenare
The police calls
Jävla Zigenare
Society calls
Jävla Zigenare

No lands or flag can define us
Gypsies on therun
We sum we sum

We enter mails
Jävla Zigenare
The police calls
Jävla Zigenare
Society calls
 Jävla Zigenare

21 juni 2012

Double Eyelid - Dead is better


19 juni 2012

Elegy of Madeline - Magister Mundi

"Magister Mundi" is a ritual song from the upcoming 2nd demo of deathrock band Elegy of Madeline. Visit www.reverbnation.com/elegyofmadeline for cds, t-shirts and more information.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday the 14th of July it is finally time for what will hopefully (if enough people show up) be the first of several gothic evenings at Deep in Malmö. :)

During the evening we proudly present two groovy goth bands, British Grooving In Green and local Kindred Spirits.

Before, between and after the concerts DJ DarkOrjan with squire will serve you lots of nice post punk and goth.

One hour after midnight the rock club Distortion will take over and everyone who wants to are free to stay and party untill 5 in the morning. If enough of you stay it is not unlikely that Distortions DJs will also play some gothic songs.

GROOVING IN GREEN (UK) were formed in 2008 and feature ex Children On Stun and Solemn Novena members. GIG have played across Europe, from Norway to Germany and the UK to a good reception. In 2010 GIG released their debut album Post Traumatic Stress and they are soon to release their second album Stranglehold. GIG describe their sound as Groove Goth so come and join the party!

KINDRED SPIRITS was formed in Malmö on a rainy november night back in 1996. The album "No Room For Laughter" was released in 2005 and the band played their last public gig as warm up for Christian Death at Debaser 2008. Now they are back and after almost four years of silence their hard hitting goth rock can finally be heard live again.